30 Aug 2012

…and the Bride wore white!


The groom and his men were the first to arrive! Such a handsome group they make!

DSC_0045 The soloist came next. Her dress  matched the aria she was scheduled to perform!

DSC_0012 The Mother of the Bride caused a stir in her two tone ensemble. One must be careful not to overshadow the Bride on such occasions! [Isn’t that right Pippa?]

DSC_0043 The Bridesmaids were all aflutter when they arrived! Gorgeous silken sheaths of a demure blush pink, with a provocative slit just to ‘there!’


The flowergirl, a wee sprite of a thing was all giggles upon arrival, flitting in and out of focus as she waited for the ring bearer…… wherever could that rapscallion be?

morinaAnd they say that the prospective Mothers, of both Bride and Groom don’t talk to one another about their apparel for the big day! Looks to me like the Mother of the Groom shopped at the same store as the Mother of the Bride! Perhaps they went together?

DSC_0644Wherever have you been Cory? asked the flowergirl! I was beginning to get……. my, but you have the bluest eyes of any boy I know! Now quick, we need to get in line!’ The ring bearer, oblivious to the charming wiles of his new friend only had eyes for one other!

Copy (2) of DSC_0142[1] Sweet Jesus! If this is what the Maid of Honor is wearing, what must the Bride have chosen! The striking choice of colours, the rich velvety faintest blush of pink playing so well against her Spring green complexion!

DSC_0062 DSC_0058Radiant! From every possible angle! And did you notice that this precise saturation of the colour white [or not colour] gives off a magical bluish purple tint at the tips of her veil and skirting? One could not help but notice the delightful fragrance that encircled the Bride as she floated up the aisle to meet her Blue Prince!

DSC_0057 Such joyous frivolity for a garden setting! Were you privy to any such occasions this year?

25 Aug 2012

Trespassing Closer to Home: A Return to My Garden!


Its become a trend of late, and for me especially so, to visit other people’s gardens! The ‘Botanical Trespassing’ segment of ‘Through the Garden Gate’ has actually superseded the others segments to become the most popular. Methinks its time to seek out beauty and all of its surprises closer to home. Time to return to our own gardens! For some of us, we’ve never really left, where for others, its the time of year when a return is filled with pleasant surprises! Roscoea purpurescens ‘Spice Island,’ especially at times like this, reminds me of panting tongues, seductively calling out to anyone willing to listen: ‘I am the seductive star of the moment in the garden, there’s no point ignoring me, resistance is futile!’ Gets me every time!

DSC_0021I’ve had a love/hate relationship with Tricyrtis. At one time they were everywhere in my borders – and not necessarily of my volition! I’m not one for spots! ‘Togen’ is the only one I grow now.  No. That’s not true. I also have ‘Lightning Strike.’ Just two.

DSC_0035It does have the shape of a snake’s head, and the browning piece at its base, does look like a curling tongue. Apropos that it is the seed head of Arisaema ciliatum var. lubiaense. I am most excited to see if I will be able to collect seed once it has completely dried. Must keep a close eye over the coming weeks!

DSC_0040   The recent [but don’t get me wrong, we need MORE!] rain has helped to keep most of the kids looking green and perky! Kirengeshoma koreana continues to bloom, whereas its cousin, K.palmata is still tight balls with a wedge of whipped buttery yellow showing at the tip!

DSC_0044Plants for me act as reminders of the wonderful gardening friends I have met over the years. This delightful Cassia marilandica was a gift from Nina and John of WildThings Plant Farm in nearby Minto. They were redesigning one of their display borders and I commented on the fabulous foliage that reminded me of Lespediza on steroids. Turns out its a native to the province, usually found near the edge of swampy land. This year the flower spikes have been stupendous! Open, they resemble exotic black and yellow spiders!

DSC_0019Larix and Metasequoia – my favourite in tree and shrubs at the moment. This delightful grafted Larix kaempferi ‘Nana’ with its blue green foliage is a favourite. It was a Thanksgiving find a year ago from Ayr Country Gardens. It resides at the base of Metasequoia glyptostroboides ‘Matthaei Broom’ – the second find from said delightful nursery.

DSC_0075  ‘Matthaei’ suffered from being frosted early on this year! Remember when it got really, really warm, in March? And then we had killer frosts? Well, it did a job on my boy for sure! I thought it was lack of water, but my water bill states otherwise! Fingers crossed for next year! Below is the latest within the genus to join the family: M.g ‘Goldrush.’

DSC_0042 DSC_0033 How comforting it is to realize that beauty never resides far from home! It is right there, waiting!

23 Aug 2012

Redbud of My Heart!


I have my friend Shawn to thank for not only one, but two Cercis canadensis that I now grow on my property! One [which is sadly languishing more than the other!] is actually a tree form – two inch caliper and pruned by Shawn himself into a lovely canopy. It must me 2m in height. The other is more of a whip – close to 2m as well, but more a single stem with a few branches that will one day create a canopy! This photo is of its magnificent heart shaped foliage. It grows at the end of the Walk of Hidden Treasures, in dappled shade, protected from any buffeting winds that would tear its delicate foliage to shreds! I am so thrilled! I am still looking for a small [3G or less] Cercis canadensis ‘Forest Pansy’ – its seductive cousin of the purple bruised foliage, and much more ‘tender hearted’ disposition. I have seen large specimens but would like a smaller one, one that I can prune and train so that it is wider than it is tall! Dan Pearson had a wonderful specimen growing in a pot at his property in England, and this is where the idea and inspiration took root! Fingers crossed, as it would be the piece de resistance of the new memorial garden that is slowly taking shape!



22 Aug 2012

Remembering Cat: One Year Later – August 22, 2012


In what is likely to be the final planting I do for the year, I spent the morning creating a memorial garden. I planted Metasequoia glyptostroboides ‘Gold Rush’ as well as an under-planting of Meconopsis x sheldonii ‘Lingholm’, Cyclamen henerofolium ‘Sweetheart Splash’ as well as Epimedium ‘Thunderbolt’ in memory of my dear friend Cathy who passed away a year ago today. It is in no way close to completion. I hope to incorporate the small expanse of lawn between where this tree is planted and the edge of the veranda to include a piece of statuary, pea stone, perhaps a bench, and much more planting! [I have always threatened my Sister that I want to eradicate the front lawn entirely!]


Moments like this inevitably show the passage of time. It is said that time heals all wounds. It is also said that the healing process cannot be measured with time. The heart and soul heal of their own accord.

Cat’s last words to me were: ‘You have the heart and soul of a writer,’ and in the weeks and months following her passing I resolved to take those very words and return to writing. I have always wanted to write – a book, a garden memoir, an essay for a gardening magazine – and yet it never seems to come to fruition. I have  started a new ‘novella’ of sorts – based largely on a life that included Cathy and a colourful group of rapscallion friends who in their own endearing ways have each and collectively influenced my life in ways that are only now becoming clear.

DSC_0038I am in touch with close friends who were also blessed by Cat’s presence in their lives. Guilt amongst friends has blessedly turned into a rekindling of friendships – a picking up of pieces that were inadvertently dropped along life’s pathways. I can see Cat’s beatific smile, so happy to know that the golden circle of friends remains intact! A band of silver gracefully hangs around my neck, a reminder of an endearing friendship that, while it has been inextricably altered in its physical state, will forever remain in its spiritual form as one of the most important elements of my life. You will forever be close to those who loved and cared for you most –  your husband, son, parents – and those of us who were truly touched and blessed with your loving friendship. Rest peacefully dearheart!

20 Aug 2012

Foxwood House: Past Perfections

Foxwood House In an earlier post, I introduced you to the magical property that was Foxwood House, located in the rolling countryside that is  Mulmer Township. The property itself was located near Creemore.

e9a_Nymphaea I think this is where I left off in the last post. Another welcome batch of photos awaited me when I returned from lunch today. Imagine an eleven acre property, with a pond that itself took up two! You could float my entire property in the lily pond! That’s just green envy rearing its ugly head!

We now move on…..

AGOivyonShademasterLocustShademaster Locust Trunk covered in ivy.

harvest boy_03  Harvest Boy

Statuary is an important element on a property of this size, but for many, it is an element that brings with it fear and trepidation. Too big and it distracts from the gardens themselves, too small, it gets lost. Too grandiose and it becomes ostentatious, too kitschy and well, it remains simply that! [I too have learned many a valuable lesson: a naked male torso, does not add the desired effect to a shaded Rare and Unusual border.] Inge and Don, artists in their own right chose pieces that added a timeless charm to the surrounding gardens, as witnessed here with ‘Harvest Boy.’

realfrogonstonefrog   Comedic extras come free of charge as this photo can attest. I don’t think the photographer positioned him or herself on the edge of the pond, waiting anxiously for such a composition to unveil itself!

g 2 The billowing seed heads of Miscanthus sp. announces the transitioning from Summer to Fall at Foxwood.

g9_Wisteria A fabulous white flowering Wisteria looks to be afloat atop the garage. In constant possession of an eye for detail, Don and Inge allowed for it to grow up through the overhang to cast its magical spell on the unusupecting visitor, such as myself!

meconopsisI’ve been waiting ever so patiently for this photo! Could a consummate plantswoman such as Inge not grow the elusive Meconopsis? Don’t be ridiculous! Here’s the living proof!

HexPond by walkway

Foxwood Winter '03 And in Mulmer, when the snow decided to fall, it fell with a frenzy, magically covering every and anything in its wake! [This is what I’m personally hoping for this coming winter!]

By the pond Unless you knew that this was on the edge of the two acre ‘pond’ you might envision the perfect trail for cross country skiing!

austrianpine Even a majestic Pinus nigra found itself overwhelmed by the snow of that particular winter!

Buck10pt. trouble A rural setting such as Foxwood was an open invitation for wildlife, such as the appearance of this graceful, regal buck.

onthe trail

Winter Walkway  All of this snow is making me shiver! Snow. We all remember what snow looks like, right? Mother Nature – you’d better be paying attention this year! We not only like and want snow, we and our gardens NEED it! Please.

19 Aug 2012

A Week in Review: From Grieving to Celebration!

Copy (2) of DSC_0142[1]The week I take my first week of vacation traditionally coincides with what I refer to as ‘the grieving week in August,’ one that witnesses the anniversary of the passing of both my Grandmother and my dear friend Cathy. I find it best to be away from the garden centre, to anchor myself in my own garden, and, if the desire should strike, to venture forth from there. I created my garden in large part so that I would have a shaded sanctuary to escape to – a place where I could go to lose the increasing cacophony of sound that is life!

DSC_0030 In a game of musical garden chairs [click here for a similar game that recently transpired on ‘Through the Garden Gate.’] I removed my struggling and somewhat sad Abies koreana ‘Horstmann’s SIlberlocke’ [who went to a very good adoptive home by the way!] and added Metasequoia glyptostroboides ‘Goldrush’ which was the initiating plant in what will become a memorial garden in Cat’s memory. I love to try and associate people with plants that are as unique and special as they are!


On the actual anniversary of my Grandmother’s passing, I had the esteemed pleasure of touring the garden of two of my wonderful gardening friends, Don and Inge, whose Elora property has, over the past three years, transformed itself into a magical sanctuary with the perfect balance of sun and shade!

DSC_0050Over coffee and dessert, Don, Inge and I embraced the joy that is garden chat. I casually and tactfully [hopefully!] mentioned their previous peoperty, Foxwood House, in the rolling countryside of Creemore, anxious to know what it was like to leave a rural setting and move into the heart of downtown Elora. As a result I was gifted with a delightful set of photographs of Foxwood. Sadly the house and the gardens no longer exist in their previous glory.

Foxwood House Later in the day, I taped an episode of ‘Through the Garden Gate,’ that focuses on ‘Grief in the Garden,’ a topic that became glaringly apparent in a moment of brilliant clarity. Was there any other topic that would resonate on this of all days? It airs this coming Monday at 7PM on 92.9 The Grand FM. You will get a sneak peak at me at my most vulnerable, but also, at me when my heart is brimming with joyful remembrance!

e9a_Nymphaea Readers of this weblog will notice that I also did an awful lot of posts in one week! What can I say? I had free time on my hands, and while I’ve tried to post as often as possible in the past, sometimes all you want to do is kick off the work boots and chill! I’m a chatterbox at heart, and what better venue than your weblog! [The radio show is definitely as close second!]

DSC_0028 A vacation, especially one during the gardening season, wouldn’t be complete without a visit to my favourite woodland plant nursery, Lost Horizons. I was grateful for an opportunity to converse with both Larry and Evita, delightful people who excitedly recalled their recent travels to Ireland and Poland. And then I had the entire nursery to myself! Imagine!

DSC_0014 DSC_0016

DSC_0022  I tracked down and visited with a couple of ‘old friends’ while I was there. I remember vividly the day I was introduced to these mesmerizing friends!

DSC_0024 DSC_0025 I’ve not been able to just get in a car and head off to Lost Horizons on a whim in quite some time, and due largely to the fact that this entire past week, I have been enable to sleep in past 7:30, I thought if I get up and on my way early enough, I might even be home before the rest of the family rises! Close! But amidst wonderful reacquainting conversations, and the need to walk through each and every hoop house, it was 1:30PM before I pulled back into the drive. It was after all the second last day of my vacation, and I intended on savoring it as long as I possibly might!

DSC_0013 And yes, a few new treasures had jumped on board before I could safely get the doors closed before leaving Lost Horizons! Many of them are to be part of the new memorial garden I spoke of earlier in the post. Here is what I’ve accomplished so far. Bear in mind that this is only the beginning. Planted beneath ‘Goldrush’ it features plants that in my mind best express the personalities of Cat, Sonia and myself. In time I hope it will grow [the space] to incorporate a rather cumbersome shaped area of grass that has been encroached upon by some whack-job of an obsessed shady character! The tide of grieving has turned once again, and it is with a heart brimming with remembrance and celebration that I embark upon this next garden creation!

DSC_0043 DSC_0041 And that, for the most part, has been my week in review! Pretty much guaranteed, posts will taper off in the coming days, but my heart will always remain entrenched in my shaded sanctuary! Have a wonderful week dear friends!