12 Oct 2015

Preparing For A Gentle Sleep

Perfect weather for the task of prepping the garden for it's gentle sleep, and with said gardener suffering from a severe case of 'cabin fever', thanks in part to his battling a persistent head/chest cold, it was almost finished this morning. I still have to do battle with a gargantuan Persicaria on the west side of the house, bring in thirty bags of compost, and put the garden accoutrements in the garage for winter's safe keeping.... and then I will be done! I am always surprised at how much garden waste there is every season. Between my Baptisia, Kirengeshoma and two species of Aralia, I filled three of the large paper garden waste bags!

I always argue with myself over what to cut back and what to leave standing. The evergreen Epimedium species I have always left as they are, but find their Spring flowers get lost amongst the old foliage, so this year I sheared them all off. The same dilemma with the ferns. I know that by mid November they will be well past their looking pretty phase, but to cut them down now?

I mentioned in a previous post about the fact that the garden is getting too over crowded, to the point that some of my most cherished kids are buried and lost beneath their more exuberant siblings. Case in point with this diminutive Larix kaempferi 'Wolterdingen' - an absolute darling with the softest blue grey foliage imaginable. In the Spring he looks all cuddly and adorable, but my mid Summer he is lost beneath the arching branches of the resident diva - Paeonia obvata. It's only now, as I strip everything else away that he catches my eye and makes me giggle! I have decided that I am going to give Acer pseudoplatanus 'Esk Sunset' another year to prove his worth. I was so enamoured of this diminutive variegated form when I first stumbled across it, but in the past two years, he has been riddled with one pestilence after another. Frost, chewed, deformed leaves, and then of course with the persistent heat and sun this past Summer, he shrivelled to a crisp by the first of August. It isn't his fault. I could have planted him in a shadier spot, but wanted him to be front and centre for when he put on his early Summer foliage show. He truly is a stunning species when he is happy!

This is the narrow border along the east side of the garage. Most of my most treasured children reside and frolic happily in this bed. It has the best soil of the entire property - hence five of the soon to be applied compost will be designated for this bed. I worried over Anemonopsis macrophylla this year. He was a third the size of the year before, and I cannot bear to lose him. Fingers crossed that he recovers from a Summer that was simply everything that he despised most: too hot and humid and not nearly as wet as his native Honshu Japan affords him. Note to self: Coddle this baby next year!

Every October I cut the leader out of 'Ogon,' my stunning golden Metasequoia. He is looking very 'fluffy' this year, and because I have installed a group of my beloved Meconopsis and well as a pair of sublime Cypripedium at his base, this bed has been watered twice a week, every week since they were brought home. I also mist him when it's extremely hot and humid, which was a good part of the summer past!

I have to decide how I am going to contend with my tender perennials this year. I have four Agave, a stunning variegated Euphorbia as well as a variegated Acanthus, none of which would be able to withstand our winter weather. I think I am going to take the largest pot to work and see if I can store it in the store. The remaining two will come back into my room for the winter. It never ceases to amaze me how I wait all summer for the Acanthus to show its variegation, and it isn't until the week before I bring him inside, after which, he quickly reverts back to green! Just because he can!

And now I have to get round to the other side of the house and do battle with the resident Persicaria 'Milk Boy' who grew to such astounding proportions that he is now completely covering my wee Abies councillor 'Blue Cloak.' Note to self: Move one or the other next Spring! Always something to do come Spring, is there not?

7 Oct 2015

Hide and Seek: I Am Not Impressed!

Not a lot to do when you're stuck in bed trying to stay one step ahead of a flu contagion that seems to be enveloping the town, and as I am prone to do, I find myself turning toward the garden. Under most circumstances, it is a pleasant distraction from the noise of the world, but on this occasion, it turned sombre, almost elegiac. Trying to remain upbeat, I originally titled this post 'Hide and Seek,' but then added the tagline that truly matches my mood: I Am Not Impressed!

This has been my own personal annus horribilis wherein the garden is concerned! ALL of the photos in this post represent plants that did not make an appearance this year! Distraught! Frustrated! Angry...... I am all of these and more! The weather absolutely sucked this year! A late frost, followed by extreme hot weather, combined with a lack of ritual precipitation definitely took its toll on my garden. I cringe to see the water bill - I was out every other evening after work trying to stay one step ahead of the wilting, crisping foliage on my babies, but in many cases to no avail. It seems like I turned around and they were once again suffering!

There are a few of my treasures that might be considered divas -- my sublime Anemonopsis macrophylla and the demure pink and white striped Arisaema candidissimum, but for the most part it was my stalwarts, the tried and tested plants that required little and returned year after year! What's up with that? I would have thought that my resident Morina longifolia [pictured below] would have loved the heat and near drought like conditions. Not so much! There was no sign of his thistle like rosette of foliage - and sadly no fabulous flower stalk topped with the pink and white flowers that made even me gasp!

Of course there are a few of my children whose delicate physiology makes it far too easy for them to be swallowed up by more robust neighbours. I was certain I had spotted the delicately demure Anemonella thalictroides 'Cameo' earlier in the Spring, but then again it may have been nothing more than a wandering Thalictrum seedling - heaven knows I have enough of them! Occurrences like this sadden me. My plants are like family to me, and while I believe that I make a good, decent parent, seeing them disappear makes me wonder.....

I am holding out hope that my resident Cyclamen is simply taking his sweet pink time to appear. I make a point of checking every morning on my way to work! He is one of my favourite Fall beauties! The list seems to go on and on this year! A somewhat diva-esque Primula, a fabulously chartreuse Filipendula, the purple flowered Campanula Kent Belle, [which I didn't think could ever disappear, rambunctious child that it can be!] a fabulous fully double Iris ensata, the diminutive Pinellia, not to mention a stunning variegated Polygonatum known as 'Fireworks.'

I am holding out hope - I haven't written any of them off just yet. We have had relatively severe winters, and as I say, this summer did not bring weather that any of my kids would enjoy. Once again, they are special that way. They like it cool and damp, and when Mother Nature is agreeable they respond as such. Just look at my Anemonopsis from last year! There were dozens of flowers and buds. This year his stem was all of six inches, and the two flowers that did manage to bloom, well between you and me, they were not of his usual calibre, but I do not blame him in the least! I do not want to have to resort to engaging in rain dances every summer. I have neighbours and a reputation to maintain.

Is there anyone else out there who will be happy to see the snow fall, so that it can blanket and hide the awful gardening season that was? Do not leave me to wallow in misery for too long. I need companionship and commiseration people!