I refuse to give old man winter the acknowledgement that his sudden reappearance demands of me…. instead I shall talk about my latest potting up items.
I have never been one to flowers from bulbs, with the exception of Galanthus, Anemone and the odd Crocus, but on my first pilgrimage to Belgian Nursery two weekends ago, I came home with two bulbs that I have been toying around with for some time.
I adore the flowers of Amaryllis belladonna, their fabulous trumpet, almost lily-like flowers in the gentlest blush of pink, as well as Nerine bowdenii, with its spidery shaped flowers of a deeper, rich pink. Needless to say both came home with me. [three Nerines and one Amaryllis] I’d spent the past week contemplating what to plant them up in, but today, after noticing a tall, cream coloured pot, I knew I’d found what I was looking for. Plenty of room for all four bulbs!
While at Belgian, I had picked out some tender ferns as well as a few other tropicals in hopes of creating a few pots for indoors where a burst of fresh, crisp green would help to ease the intensities of the winter blahs! Here are the plants that made their way into my cart!
I have always loved the ‘Buddhist Pine’, and when combined with a club Moss and False Aralia in a charcoal grey pot with a bamboo motif…… I love the textural and colour contrasts. Now lets hope that I can keep them alive. I struggle with all and any houseplants!
A ‘Rabbit’s Foot Fern’ caught my wandering eye. Its rhizomes are coated with plush fine hairs, hence the name!
And for you Grace….. this uniquely variegated plant has been there [a single specimen no less!] the past two visits, and finally, in a moment of weakness [but who can resist a lonely one-of-a-kind] it came home with me. The tag which was lost between the garden centre and here gave a name that, and here’s where the puzzle thickens…… started with the letter ‘B’. Do you have any idea. Its about a foot tall, and seems rather woody.
Back to Old Man Winter…. we had close to a foot of snow fall inside of twelve hours, and the wind is still howling and the sky is still filled with flakes. I am ignoring you as best I can. Tomorrow I start filling 3000 pots for geraniums…… I don’t know which is worse!
Hi Barry~~ I'm stumped. Unless it's a variegated bougainvillea. Maybe? It actually looks suspiciously similar to the tri-color Jasmine I bought [and killed] a few years ago. I hope someone savvier than I can ID it for you.
Interesting how great minds think alike, I just bought a spike moss too. It will look nice cavorting with 'Ascot Rainbow' Euphorbia and 'Cherry Cola' heuchera. Are either of these on your watch-for list?
Sorry to hear old man winter refuses to concede to spring. This is just ridiculous. At least you're being smart about it and doing some indoor gardening. Nice selections too.
I'm not the best with houseplants either, but I have had it with the cold - made worse by looking at photos of the garden last year at this time. I've been loading the house up with cut flowers, edible herbs, even a new Agapanthus - gorgeous dark purply blue. May your geraniums will go quickly today - hopefully the sun will feel nice and warm on your back through the greenhouse glass.
Hello there Pats ;-)
It is totally driving me around the bend with this weather .. and my garden screaming to be cleaned up .. if I don't get a handle on things soon I will start screaming and you will hear me way over there! .. I see Grace mentioned Cherry Cola heuchera ? hehehe
You have a gorgeous assortment of greenery to keep you sane there .. my oxalis is disappointing to say the least .. now I remember why I haven't had any in years ?
Hey .. just think of OTHER plants as you shove those geraniums in those pots sweetie : ) and keep the cursing to a low grumble ?hehehe
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