5 Sept 2011

A Twining Beauty


Another of my Lost Horizons treasures is blooming! I have always been enamored of the genus Aconitum, toxicity aside, and have amassed a decent collection, so was thrilled to see that Larry had added a new, climbing/twining one to his eclectic inventory! Here is what he says about it in his famed catalogue:

Aconitum austroyunnanse is a rare climbing species from China where it twines itself up shrubs or scrambles over boulders with large palmate foliage. Long stemmed, rich blue tinged with purple helmets appear in late July. 

I am rather impressed with the flowers on my plant, as they seem to be decidedly more lobed in appearance than with most of the ‘helmet heads!’ I am most intrigued with its almost claw like appearance.

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Famed plant hunter Bleddyn Wynn-Jones, owner of Crug Farm in Wales, also offers it in his catalogue. Here is his write up:

Aconitum austroyunnanse BJW7902

A climbing perennial species I collected seed of from the Western Heights overlooking Kunming, Yunnan. Where it twined up scrub and over large rocks to 3m tall, bearing large three-parted palmate leaves. With generous axillary inflorescences of long stemmed deep blue tinged purple flowers 5cm long, primarily composed of a large upper helmet-shaped petal. Coming into flower in late July. Best growing into the sun any good soil.

If you’re as avid a fan of this genus as I am, I highly recommend adding this to your garden repertoire!


1 comment:

garden said...

Witam :)
Fantastyczny ogród !