24 May 2017

The Resurfacing Act

It has been far too long...... close to a year since I have posted here. Truth be known, I favour my Facebook page over this platform, but stumbled upon it today so decided to post some photos from the garden thus far. Unlike many other garden bloggers, I, and my children all prefer cooler, wet weather, and as such,this has been the perfect start to the garden season. 

Disporum uniflorum

I have had to carefully monitor the growth of Metasequoia glyptostroboides 'Ogon' - otherwise known as the golden Dawn Redwood. He, with diligent yearly pruning, remains a perfect size for my postage stamp sized property!

This is Acer pseudoplatanus 'Esk Sunset.' I especially love when his foliage turns a creamy colour on one side, and a deep claret on the reverse. The only issue is that he can scorch relatively easy, and with my Miss Grace Cotinus on her last leg, quite literally, I am afraid he will need to be relocated. Never a dull moment!

 Polygonatum x 'Betberg'

 Podophyllum plieanthum

 True signs of Spring are evident

 A view of the Border of Unusual Specimens along the side of the garage has filled in rather nicely this year. An unplanned road trip to Lost Horizons, allowed for me to replace a few of my most favourite woodland gems that I lost over the past two winters. All is right in my world again!

 I was heart sick last Summer, in that god awful drought, that  had lost my prized Larix eurolepis 'Varied Directions', but as you can see here, he is letting me know that he simply went into an early hibernation. I am so thrilled! I have to do a repair on a crack in my Redbud's trunk, but sweet baby Jesus, look at the bloom he has afforded me this year. I hope it isn't a sign of stress, and that he will be gone next year! 

And there you have it. Another garden season is upon us, and if time allows, I will try and return here, but you can always find me at Teza's Hortus Magniaficum over on Facebook, where it is a lot easier for me to upload photos from my phone.


Anna said...

Good to see you resurface! :)

Barbarapc said...

Was looking at photos over the winter and found the ones where we met up during a Lost Horizon getaway with my g/f. Will find them and send them along and tiptoe onto Facebook...yours no doubt is a rabbit hole I shall enjoy travelling. This weather has been idea for so many plants - your garden is looking great.

Anonymous said...

I was curious how pruning effects your Dawn Redwood. I wondered if once you cut a limb does it create a bushier limb or just shorten the limb?

Barry said...

simplesue: The branches are definitely bushier, but it seems to force more axial growth along said branch, so I have to diligently prune it every year..... which, thanks to a venture into yarn dyeing, I did not do this past Fall so it will be interesting to see what it looks like this coming season.