14 Jun 2011

That’s Red Dragon if you please!

  DSC_0617 DSC_0619 DSC_0618 A favourite within the genus Persicaria [leave it to me to be enamored with the rambunctious ‘knotweeds’!]  – with its bruised purple foliage and distinctive chevron pattern down the centre of each leaf! Contained as it is, Persicaria microcephala ‘Red Dragon’ is left with little choice than to behave himself! He is towering above the fabulously chartreuse foliage of Hosta ‘Fire Island’, and cavorting most gregariously with Athyrium x ‘Ghost.’


CanadianGardenJoy said...

Sweetie does this mean I have to procure Red dragon so my Ghost fern can participate in cavorting and assorted naughtiness ?? wink wink
PS .. He is a handsome devil !

Barbarapc said...

I've got several rambunctious plants I've fallen in love with over the years - often because their colour or form is so absolutely different from anything else. Which of course makes it very easy to spot and pluck their offspring out of the soil. And even better, if I'm too late and they've been left to mature, I'm delighted to find that there is a better combination of plants than what I'd imagined in the first place. p.s. You know it almost brings out the Dr. Frankenstein in me to wonder about combining Ghost and Red Dragon.......


What's not to love about this plant? Your design genius is at work once again. Fabulous.