19 Feb 2012

In the Spotlight: Syneilesis aconitifolia

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Emerging out of the ground in Spring, Syneilesis aconitifolia with it’s frost white foliage, this unique foliage plant is reminiscent of it’s Korean counterpart, Syneilesis palmata. As the season progresses, it’s foliage expands to finely fretted mounds of greyish green, surpassing the ornamental value brought to the garden of both Paeonia and Helleborus! Endemic to the understory of deciduous oak forests throughout the Korean Penninsula, it is frequently noted in moderate sized colonies.

Copy (2) of DSC_0063 I am always on the lookout for bold foliage plants to accent the single pathway that denotes the Shaded Walk. I was more than thrilled to discover the brilliant planting combination created by the placement of another favourite, Diphylleia cymosa in close proximity to this most intriguing plant. Without a doubt, this is THE most talked about plant combination within the entire garden, and rightly so!

Oops3 Hardiness is said to be within Zones 4-10, with recent success in the warmer, southern zones meriting this as indeed a choice selection for the partly shaded woodland garden.

1 comment:

danger garden said...

I had no idea this plant is so cold hardy! Since my mom lives in a zone 5 area I'm always on the lookout for plants she admires in my garden that will grow in hers. I can't wait to gift her one of these!