7 Jan 2014

Once Upon A Time….. The Evolution Of a Garden.

HPIM1906 Once upon a time, I decided that I wanted to create a garden – in a rather inconceivable spot – in the narrow space between mine [burgundy] and the neighboring houses. This was in 2008.

HPIM1873 There were a few rarities at the time – Hydrangea quercifolia ‘Little Honey’ and Fothergilla gardenii ‘Blue Mist’ – nothing compared to its current inventory, but at the time I simply wanted to transform an otherwise eyesore into something green and living!

DSC_0710 A year later things were beginning to fill in nicely! I added a flagstone pathway, if only to have a safe haven for my size elevens! I’d also fallen under the hypnotic spell of the more eclectic, rare and unusual botanical treasures that would one day rule my life [not complaining in the slightest!]

Scan1 (2) By the end of 2010 I was finally content with where it was heading. More and more I was turning to texture as opposed to flower – this, partly due to the lack of sunlight that this narrow border witnesses on a daily basis.

DSC_0591By 2011 I was all about big and bold as witnessed by the presence of Diphylleia cymosa, Kirengeshoma koreana and the statuesque Thalictrum that were happily seeding themselves throughout the length of the garden!

DSC_00632012 brought the addition of water to the garden in the form of a large ceramic water bowl. It was the year that the garden seemed to hold its own. I do confess that it requires a steady influx of water to maintain this lushness but some things in life are worth the extra cost and effort!

DSC_0091I enjoy comparing this photo with the one that initiates this post: it gives a wonderful perspective as to what four years can bring to any garden! It makes my inner heart sing!

DSC_0268\2013 was an awesome gardening year for me. Plenty of moisture for the first half ensured that my narrow garden was burgeoning with growth, colour and texture! A second piece of garden statuary was added – the long sought after heron that spent the winter exposed to the elements in order to achieve the perfect patina!

1 comment:

cheryl said...

Thank you for the tour Barry, WOW! All those intriguing plants in such a small space. You would have fun in mine, 20' by oooo 80'. It takes a lot of time but so worth it. This year I've vowed to find more interesting plants, so I'll keep returning here. Thanks to you I found a Korean Wax Bell!, wooooo hoooo, luved it!!! Next up Arisaema, o yeah I can see them now in the Celtic Circle :)