11 Jun 2016


He always makes people stop and stare. A bit of a showoff that way, but then that is precisely the effect I hoped to create when I added my beloved Paeonia x 'Going Bananas,' one of an onslaught of hybridized Itoh Paeonia that are becoming all the rage! I have sold five so far this season, and with a price tag of close to $100, one must be a true collector, or be suffering from a bad case of Peony envy! [You know I had to say it!]

GB is a stunning semi double of a whipped buttery yellow colour. I much prefer him to his showier sister Bartzella, as I have never been one for the full fluffy confections that seem to populate the Paeonia world. I know. Lone wolf out, but that's just the way I howl! Here are some more candid shots that I snapped after work this evening. I was worried as there were threats of severe thunderstorms for today when I retired for the evening last night, and, as is common with the 'single' or 'semi doubles', their flowers last for three or four days max! Rain throughout the night, and somewhat flat looking flowers this morning, but tonight........ he is absolutely perfect!

The first and last in this series are my favourite because it almost looks like the sun has been trapped in it's petals! Sigh!

And then of course there is this.....

In what is the week that contains my birthday as well as the anniversary of what would have been my Fathers [June 4th] and my Grandmother's [June 9], I have been blessed with blooms on my most treasured Meconopsis. This represents the second of what I hope will be three blooms that have appeared on the first of three plants. I bought one for each of us....... the trinity of Germini's in my family. All were blessed with blue eyes, and as a result, blue has  always been the colour of connectivity for me. It is the reason why there are so many blue flowers in my garden. It is my sanctuary. The place of solitude and serenity when the world around me gets too loud.

And last but not least.....

The last of my newest obsession and garden addition.... the sublime Cypripedium. I have two Frosch hybrids - Phillip [pictured above] and Pluto who was featured in an earlier post. They join my native C.calceolaris, and form yet another garden trinity. I do have to say that I am more than a wee bit smitten with Phillip. There is something almost sexual about them, as was brought to my attention by a close friend who mentioned it the other night. It is true! But I love him because I have been afforded the opportunity to grow yet another rare and unusual shade perennial here at Teza's Hortus Magnificum. It truly is the reason why I continue to garden.


CanadianGardenJoy said...

Hello Sweetie
I love your amazing "kids" but even more so those rare and unusual ones you highlighted here .. Sadly my mysterious unnamed yellow tree peony is not flowering so I have to figure that problem out .. I will conquer it!
Of course the famous blue poppy is gorgeous and the orchid is stunning .. truly!
The happiest of birthdays and fond remembrance for you of your special family members .. enjoy your garden time my friend : )

Unknown said...

Very nice! Michaela